女神試煉 Quest of Goddess, developed by DNAXCAT CO., LTD., published by DNAXCAT CO., LTD.. This game have is Action, Casual, Early Access category. 《女神試煉》是一款闔家歡樂的輕度格鬥休閒派對遊戲,提供最多四人的離線與線上對戰,同時也是台灣動漫品牌《九藏喵窩》的第一款全3D遊戲。本作描述亞甸大陸的喵喵們為了完成回收亞威寶石的任務,必須召開格鬥大賽決定出一位「最強者」,才有資格碰觸寶石。
女神試煉 Quest of Goddess Trainer Details
Trainer have a 6+ features and works in all variations of the sport.
Unzip the zip file, run Trainer and open the game. You can open the settings by means of urgent the F7 key. Works in all versions.