Legendary Tales: Cataclysm, developed by FIVE-BN GAMES, published by FIVE-BN GAMES. This game have is Adventure category. A dreadful prediction came to the oracle — the cataclysm is coming. The renegade witch is about to save the world or ruin it… “Legendary Tales: Cataclysm” is an adventure game in the genre of Hidden Objects, with plenty of mini-games and puzzles, unforgettable characters and complicated quests.
Legendary Tales: Cataclysm Trainer Details
Trainer have +4 functions (works for all version)(it will be updated soon)
There are currently only 4 features.
F1 Key = Auto skills,
F2 Key = Enemy Finder,
F3 Key = Auto skill update
Unrar archive and run the trainer. Close Windows Defender, you can see the virus total result at this link.
Changelog 18.09.2023 00:14 - Bugs fixed
Changelog 16.12.2023 13:11 - Bugs fixed