Terralysia, developed by Tiny Game Dev, published by Tiny Game Dev. This game have is Action, Adventure, Indie, Early Access category. In the vibrant realm of Terralysia lurk relentless enemies. Brace yourself for grueling missions, endless onslaughts, and formidable bosses in this third-person roguelike. Use the right strategy and spells to survive a bit longer, but be warned, as you grow in strength, so do your enemies.
Terralysia Trainer Details
Trainer have +3 functions (works for all version)(it will be updated soon)
There are currently only 3 features.
F1 Key = Auto skills,
F2 Key = Enemy Finder,
F3 Key = Auto skill update
Unrar archive and run the trainer. Close Windows Defender, you can see the virus total result at this link.