Deep Rest, developed by Aza Game Studio, published by Aza Game Studio. This game have is Adventure, Indie category. Deep Rest is a psychological adventure horror game. With focus on storytelling both direct, indirect. Utilizing a point and click interaction system. Combining aspects of different genres and innovative mechanics. You shape the story, you have the ability to make dramatic changes.
Deep Rest Trainer Details
Trainer have a 14+ functions and works in all versions of the game. To run the program unzip the archive, run Trainer and click game icon and open the game. You can open the options by pressing the F4 key.
Key Settings
– Numpad 0
– Numpad 1
– Numpad 2
– Numpad 3
– Numpad 4
– Numpad 5
Default value is 7, max value is 21. If you want to restore its effect, please set the value back to default.
Changelog 18.09.2023 00:21 - Bugs fixed