hgmGame-dog, developed by hgmGame, bird gogogo, published by hgmGame. This game have is Casual category. This is a casual puzzle game, where the position of each game image is random and can be repeated.At first, it may be very chaotic,Then gradually place the image in the corresponding position,The image gradually becomes complete,Come and give it a try!
hgmGame-dog Trainer Details
Trainer have +8 functions (for all version)(it will be updated soon). Trainer can use macos and windows systems.
There are currently only 8 features.
1) F1 Key
2) F2 Key
3) F3 Key
4) F4 Key
5) Num 1
6) Num 2
7) Num 3
8) Num 4
Unrar rar file and run the game after open the game. Close antivirus program, you can see the virus total result at this link.