Legendary Journeys, developed by Blind Monkey Games, published by Blind Monkey Games. This game have is RPG category. Create your party of adventurers and set out on a quest to free an old man’s magically imprisoned son. Journey the lands of Farmoor in search of the four artifacts needed to reform The Eye of Baal. Not all that live in Farmoor sees this as a good thing.
Legendary Journeys Trainer Details
Trainer have a 6+ functions and works in all versions of the game. To run the program unzip the archive, run Trainer and click game icon and open the game. You can open the options by pressing the F4 key.
Key Settings
– Numpad 0
– Numpad 1
– Numpad 2
– Numpad 3
– Numpad 4
– Numpad 5
Default value is 7, max value is 21. If you want to restore its effect, please set the value back to default.